Professional development: The importance of personality types

Good morning all! Recently, as I have been delving more into my professional and personal development as an individual, I have revisited certain aspects of my Undergraduate degree. One thing I revisited was the Myers Briggs test. Last week, I went on 16personalities and took the test to see what it came back with. I have always... Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day… is the marketing hype over?

Hi all, Oh.... it's been another of those weeks, dust yourself off and keep going. February hasn't been my friend and I thought weeks in advance, what better blog post to do than a Valentine's one? However, I just use Valentine's Day as an excuse to eat silly amounts of  food with my boyfriend of... Continue Reading →

January sales… a marketing trick?

Hi all,  So, I wanted to discuss this time of year where we always want to go shopping and why... January sales.  I find that after Christmas, all the shops have their "best" sales on, whether that’s online or offline. I recently watched a documentary (unfortunately I can’t remember the name of it for the... Continue Reading →

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